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1. Author
The surname and the first name initial of the author is specified, but not in capital letters (the editors will highlight the author's name by capital letters when typesetting the journal). The surname is followed by a comma, authors are semicolon separated.
All authors are specified unless there are more than three of them, in which case the first author or the main one is specified with the abbreviation "et al". If the author is unknown the specification of the author is omitted.
The author specification is separated from the following information by a colon.

2. Title specification
The title of a monographic publication (book) or an article title (separated by a colon) and the name of the source publication (journal, proceedings) are specified.
2.1. If the publication has both a title and a subtitle, they are colon separated . The subtitle starts with a lower case letter (even if there is a capital one in the original).
2.2. If the document is a part of a larger unit, we specify the entry by the hierarchy of the work, individual entries are period separated.
2.3. If the title is multilingual, the language specified first is used. If necessary, titles in all languages are used in the order in which they are specified, and are equal sign separated.
2.4. In the case of citing an article from a proceedings or a citation of a monographic publication, it is necessary to use the word "In" (not followed by any punctuation marks) before the information about the source document.

For easier orientation we specify the titles of source publications in italics. In the case of a monographic publication (book) the title information is written in italics. In the case of a journal article, the journal name is highlighted in italics, and when citing from a proceedings, we use italics for the proceedings name.

Citation abbreviations
It is suitable to abbreviate the words of the titles of serial publications (journals etc.) in concord with the relevant norm. If the title is one word only, it is usually not abbreviated. Journal titles are important for later searches of the articles cited which can be complicated or precluded by the use of improper abbreviations.
Recommended abbreviations of title words:
- industrial, industrie, industriell, industry etc. = ind.
- international = int.
- Jahrbuch = Jahrb.
- journal = j.
- national = natl.
- science, scientific etc. = sci.
- Zeitung = Ztg.
- Zeitschrift = Z.

Some examples of journal title abbreviations:
- British Sugar Beet Review – Brit. Sugar Beet Rev.
- Gazeta cukrownicza – Gaz. cukrown.
- International Sugar Journal – Int. Sugar J.
- Zuckerindustrie – Zuckerind.

It is possible to condense the title of Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské to "Listy cukrov. řepař.".

3a. Publication information
The edition number is specified if it is other than the first one. It is also possible to specify the journal volume instead. The edition number is important in the case of a book edition, because individual editions may differ. It is specified in the language of publication. It is possible to use abbreviations (i.e. edition – ed.). Information concerning the place of issue and the publisher is optional. If it is suitable to specify them (book publication, proceedings), it is in the language of the publication. Place of issue and publisher entries are colon separated.

3b. Date of issue
Specifies the year of publication. The year of the original publication is specified in the case of a book reprint. When citing a new edition, the year of the relevant edition is used. The date of issue in the case of electronic documents takes the form of year-month-day.

3c. Physical description
Physical description is specified in Czech (issue number, volumes, page number, page range etc.). The issue number is specified in round brackets without the abbreviation "no." To specify a page range we use a dash without spaces (e. g. pp. 123–128). There is a space between the abbreviation "pp." and the numeral entry.

4. International Standard Book Number
In the case of non-periodical publications, it is possible to specify the standard number ISBN. When citing from a journal, ISSN is not specified. When citing from a proceedings article or from a section of a monographic publication, ISBN is also not specified.

5. Electronic media
The media type is an obligatory entry in the case of electronic documents. It is specified in square brackets (e. g. [online], [CD-ROM]). When citing online documents it is necessary to reference the source (e. g. http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/).


In bibliography the citations are specified in the order in which they appear in the text. To reference a citation from the text, the number of a publication from the list is specified in round brackets. If the document is cited more times, the same number is used.


a) The structure of a book citation

Citation number. Surname. First name initial.: Book title: subtitle. Edition number, Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication, The number of pages. ISBN.

1. Bretschneider, R.: Technologie cukru: surovárna a rafinerie. 2. vyd., Praha: SNTL, 1980, 424 s.
2. Bubník, Z. et al.: Sugar technologists manual: chemical and physical data for sugar manufacturers and users. 8th ed., Berlin: Bartens, 1995, 418 s. ISBN 3-87040-056-0.

b) The structure of a proceedings citation

Citation number. Surname. First name initial.: Article title. In Proceedings name. (Place of publication: Publisher), Year of publication, Page number(s).

1. Siódomiak, J.: Odmiany buraka cukrowego, ich ocena i wartość gospodarcza. In Nowoczesna uprawa buraków cukrowych. Wyd. AR, Poznań, 2002, s. 29-33.
2. Cioni, F.; Tugnoli, V.; Zavanella, M.: Cercospora leaf spot: the effects on sugar content reduction. In Proc. 67th IIRB Congress. 2004, s. 61-72.

c) The structure of a journal article citation

Citation number. Surname. First name initial.: Article title: subtitle. Journal name, Volume, Year of publication (Issue number), Page number(s).

1. Burba, M.: Der Schädliche Stickstoff als Kriterium der Rübenqualität. Zuckerind., 121, 1996 (3), s. 165-168.
2. Jursík, M. et al.: Biologie a regulace významných plevelů cukrové řepy: heřmánkovec nevonný a příbuzné druhy. Listy cukrov. řepař., 121, 2005 (3), s. 89-94.

d) The structure of a thesis or dissertation citation

Citation number. Surname. First name initial.: Thesis title: subtitle. Place of publication, Year of publication, Page number(s). Thesis kind and academic department information.

1. Novák, J.: Identifikace polysacharidů v potravinách pomocí spektrometrie a chromatografie. Praha, 2005, 85 s. Disertační práce na Ústavu chemie a technologie sacharidů FPBT VŠCHT v Praze.

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