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MAJZLÍK Petr1, STRÁSKY Andrej2, NĚMEC Miroslav2, TRNKOVÁ Libuše2, HAVEL Ladislav1, ZEHNÁLEK Josef1,
(1Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2Masarykova univerzita, 3Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita v Brně)

Remediační potenciál bakterií pro odstranění těžkých kovů z prostředí
Remediation potential of bacteria for removing heavy metals from environment

Heavy metals are toxic and can be harmful for organisms. For this reason, a number of organisms including bacteria develop processes which are able to withstand the effects of these pollutants. An accumulation of heavy metals in different bacterial strains in soil has been observed and could be used in the process of remediation ofVsoils contaminated by heavy-metal-pollutants. In this study, Streptomyces, well known for their capacity to accumulate heavy metals from the environment, were selected. The ability to accumulate heavy metals in biomass was determined for four strains studied.

Key words: heavy metals, differential pulse voltammetry, bioremediation, Streptomyces.

Listy cukrov. řepař., 126, 2010 (11): 417.

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