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BABIČKA Luboš, POUSTKOVÁ Ivana Poustková   (Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze)

Významný přínos výroby bioplynu
A important benefit of biogas production

Anaerobic fermentation of agricultural wastes, dungs and biomass as a method of waste treatment together with silage produces not only biogas for clean energy purposes. Utilization of anaerobic solid residuals as fertilizers has many advantages and positive environmental impacts. Cultivation tests confirm very good results in the growth of vegetable and show no negative influence on the quality of cultivated products. Utilization of fermented residuals significantly decrease emissions of nitrates, ammonia and also methane.
The aim of our work was to demonstrate the effects of digestate applications as a nutrient source of crop yield. Maize silages and also biogas-digestate could become a very useful material for energy production and subsequently a very useful material for plant nutrition.

Key words: anaerobic fermentation, wastes, biomass, silage, biogas, fertilizers, digestate, plant nutrition.

Listy cukrov. řepař., 125, 2009 (9/10): 277–280.

full text (PDF)